This week I have done very well. I think this new program at work has helped give me more motivation. I lost 1. 8 this week!! I hope it shows the same tomorrow afternoon at my meeting. Update ~ 2 pounds
I didn't workout this week. I just can't seem to get in the mood. Maybe I need something different.
So I am thinking about getting something to help me get back into the workout mode.
I'm just not sure what.
I have heard about the Wii Dance and the Wii Biggest Looser ~ not sure if these are the right names. Have you heard of these? Which one is the best?
Update ~ My husband is so sweet he just came home with the Wii Dance! I will evaluate and let you know next week.
nice. have a friend that swears by wii fit...good job almost 2 pounds this week!
Congratulations on that 1.8 pound loss!! Way to go!!!
About the exercise, I just plug in my old early 1990's VHS of Susan Powter, listening to her yell helps get me moving!
Could it be that your sadness over the loss of all the trees has made you less interested in working out?
(I would be totally depressed if it were me.) If you have a Curves in your area, many health insurance plans will pay 50% or even 100% if you work out at least 3 times a week. If you don't, you have to pay the full $40 monthly fee. That tends to keep me going even when I don't feel like it!
Kudos to you for the loss. If you find something that gets you motivated to work out please let me know. I like the places like Curves, but the one I was going to closed and I haven't gotten myself in gear to find a new place.
You did great with the weight loss..!! It is good to switch up the routine. I just got in the mail yesterday a 5 mile walk.. whew I was tired afterward. But basically it is the same steps as the other ones.. I just like the lady that does them (she has a nice voice and demeanor).
Keep up the good work, Gayle!
I dont know whats best but I ordered wii just dance and it will be here Thurs. I hear it works ya good!
If you get a Wii fit, let me know what you think of it. I really need the social interaction in my classes at the YMCA: it helps to think about seeing my friends and the steam bath and sauna afterwards don't hurt either!
Hello! Congrats on your weight loss this week! Great job. I love to workout and really miss it if I don't get it in. I'm stopping by from Friday Follow, thanks for stopping by my place too!
selfish of me....i just want a Wii so I can exercise when I am housebound so often.....weep
In the meantime, you keep going lady....what a great inspiration you are.
Way to go on the weight loss. I don't know anything about Wii other than I want one lol
Congrats on your weight loss. That is fantastic. I am starting tomorrow. Wish me luck. Losing weight is so hard. Anyway, I have the WII fit and I love it. It is so much fun, especially the boxing. Keep up the good work.
My hubby and I exercise to a walking tape. We do it every day. I would be interested in the Wii. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on that.
Congratulations on the weight loss! That is so wonderful. Keep it up!
I don't have a wii, so I can't comment on those. I love yoga, so I have a DVD I follow for strength and flexibility and I just bought a new one for core work. That one will be like pilates, but it will be easier on my neck and low back.
I am also still walking 30 minutes each and every day.
Just try things until you find what works the best for you. You have to enjoy what you are doing or you won't keep up with it.
Congrats again!
More positive results, Gayle, keep up the good work!
How sweet of your hubby!! Great job on the 2 lbs. Keep us updated on how you like the Wii Dance.
I am going to make a concerted effort to lose some weight. Let me know what you think of it. I may need to get one.
Wooo hooo, you are doing well with the weight loss chick!
A girlfriend of mine has it and swears by it. you are doing awesome , keep it up. take care.
Well done!
I can not do work outs. I get bored just thinking about them. I have to do things to be active, like hike or mow the lawn vigorously or help someone with a project or something. I don't get any targeted toning or anything, but it keeps the muscle from completely melting away!
Great going with the weight loss... that is one thing which makes us happy when we lose it LOL.
Have heard about WII but it will take time to arrive in the village I live in
Congrats on the weight loss!!!
Congratulations! That's fantastic! I have a Wii Fit - haven't used it. I'm a member of Curves - been a while since I have been there because of a knee issue. But I always enjoyed Curves. The Wii Dance sounds fun - how nice of your hubby!
That's great that you lost almost 2 pounds. The Wii stuff sounds kind of fun, but also, if the weather permits, brisk walks are great for burning calories in a not too painful way! Keep up the good work!
Wii Dance sounds fun! I'm looking forward to the review.
Keep up the good work!
Yes please let me know. I can't get motivated to exercise either and boy do I need to.
Love your blogs Gramme. My son used to call my mother Grammy :)
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