For a year now we have been having a problem finding Wax Paper. Ever heard of it? Ever used it? The young girl at the grocery store....around 30.... told my husband she had never used Wax Paper and thought maybe they didn't make it anymore. We have use Wax Paper forever!! Mainly we use it at Christmas time when we are doing a lot of baking and this is when I would miss it the most. We also use it to cover stuff in the microwave and for various other things. So tell me do you use wax paper? If they stopped making it would you miss it?
Or are you like the young girl and have never use it?
I used to use waxed paper when I would bake, but not in decades now. I am not sure whether they make it any more. Most people use Saran Wrap but it's just not the same...
Oh these silly young things. Of course they still make waxed paper. And we use it still to wrap some things in the micro. Years ago I would use to wrap sandwiches. Then baggies came into being and I stopped using waxed paper for that. But I do like it still. Mostly when baking.
Oh yes, I do still use it. Like you I use it mostly when baking and since I don't bake a lot I think the box I have has lasted a long time. But,I'm with TechnoBabe in thinking you can surely still buy it. I don't know how I would roll out a pie crust without it.
I have a roll that's been in my cupboard for over 2 years now. I can send it to you if you'd like. haha
Ay, yi, yi! These young whipper snappers!
Never heard of wax paper? Eeek.
And yes, I use it during baking periods.
I use it at Christmas when I bake all of my cookies and that's about it. I never thought to put it over the food in the microwave! I always use a paper towel when I do that.
Doesn't wax paper get your cookies all greasy when you bake with it? I use parchment paper for baking but wax paper for other things.
Dollar Tree Stores sell waxed paper but it's not the good kind that Cut Rite makes. I'm pretty sure Cub Foods has it. I don't use a lot of wax paper but I miss it when I run out. It's great for cooling candy and cookies.
lol. yeah matter of fact got a roll right here if you need to borrow some...mostly for baking...
YES! my mom used it all the time and i actually have a roll in my cupboard right now! BTW - thanks so much for your comments on my blog and the birthday wish and P.S. how the hell are you a grandmother?!! you look WAY TOO YOUNG! Seriously.
I don't use it often but I always make sure that I have a roll in the cupboard.
A deli sandwich is not genuine unless it comes wrapped in wax paper, and that's all there is to it.
Yes, we also use wax paper. It has been replaced by many cooks with its swankier cousin, parchment paper, but wax paper has its own domain.
I love that you posted about it. How fun!
PS: Sorry I've been MIA lately... have done a bit of traveling and have not been blogging. Back now and trying to catch up!
I have not used wax paper since I was in school and we took an iron and pressed a maple leaf in it!
I use it nearly every single day!!! I use it to cover my leftovers when reheating them in the microwave!
I don't use it as much as I did in earlier years. I use parchment paper more often now. But I still have a roll in my pantry!
There's always a roll of wax paper in my kitchen drawer. I don't use it that often but I always have some on hand. I don't do this now but I remember when I was a kid when my mother baked cakes we always cut out wax paper circles to line the bottom of the pan with.
Like Ann, we use it to line the bottom of the cake pan. We turn over the pan, press the wax paper against the pan, scrape an outline, and cut it out.
Also, I use it when giving away slices of frosted cake. The cake can be loosely wrapped so that the frosting doesn't totally stick to the paper, but if it does, it can be scraped with your finger or a fork so that you are sure not to waste any. :)
We still have it at my grocery store.
Of course I've heard of it and we use it all the time. It's been around since forever. Young people just don't know what's going on.
I do not cook in oven anymore... the reason being simple that I do not have one ;) but I remember seeing those wax papers when I was a young girl and my dad used to purchase them for the ice-cream factory he was working ..
I'm with Dual Mom, I've had the same package in my cupboard for at least 5 years! I think I bought it for some baking project sometime, but never used it since.
Had no idea I could put it in the microwave!
Gayle, oh yes I use it up here, for the odd time when I am baking to layer it between layers....I hope you have a great weekend, take care.
Down here we call it GREASEPROOF paper, and I use it almost every day to wrap the kids sandwiches for school!
We use to use it a lot, but not so much anymore. I use to put it between layers of cookies when I put them in a tin or for other little stuff.
I used to use it a lot but the roll I've got now in the cupboard has been there for quite some time. Like everyone else I use it to put the hot cookies on after taking them off the baking sheet and for those fabulous no bake cookies. YUM. Maybe I should buy another roll of it before they quit making it totally.
OMGoodness, if that doesn't make me feel old!
Wax paper is not something I use all the time, but it's a must have. I use it to make cake rolls, roll out pasta, divinity, and it's fab to store cookie dough in the fridge.
Is it really that hard to find? I've not had an issue.
I still use it. WalMart still carries it. I really cant believe that somebody out there has never used it!! Obviously they dont bake. And have dirty microwaves.. lol
I have used it. I have a roll in the pantry now. I'm older than you, so maybe that's why I know that my Mother would put her cookies on it after baking. She would use it to separate cookies when packing them. My sister used it the same way when she sent me some baked goods. We used to use it to wrap sandwiches. We used it to wax out skates and sleds. Mine is Reynolds Cut-Rite same as your photo but the box is different. I don't know how old my roll is. Could be decades old. I don't cook or bake much, so I don't use it often.
I still use wax paper, just not that much. I think the companies that make wax paper would be suprised to hear that they don't make it any more. :)
Cindy at Lakewood
I use wax paper much more than plastic. I use it all the time.
Love wax paper.
I use it a lot at Christmas time. I should use it more as a cover in the microwave but I get lazy! I keep a roll in my sewing room as well. I have a smocking pleater and I run a sheet through the needles from time to time. What I have trouble finding is freezer paper and I use that all the time for quilting and other craft stuff.
I'm teacher and we use wax paper as "ice skates". We have the kids take their shoes off and they step on the wax paper and "skate" across the carpet. It's fun! Try it! But other than that I don' use it. My mom bakes and uses wax paper a lot. Thanks for stopping by.
I use wax paper all the time - especially when baking or making my candies. I use wax paper for certain things, and parchment paper for other things. :) They do still make it (thank goodness!) but now I'll be curious to see if it's hard to find at the store! :)
I love waxed paper. But you can't wrap it around your belly, exercise, and lose inches. Only drawback to it.
Stop back over at my place for some coffee and cinnamon rolls....then pick up your award. Please accept it and pass it on with love.
Yes, and I'm also finding it hard to find. How can we live without wax paper? Plastic in the microwave gives off ugly gasses!
I have two rolls! One I bought and one I inherited, and I use it when I bake bread to cover the dough while it's rising. It's definitely not used like it used to be, though, and I've been wondering if it was on the road to extinction.
I like parchment paper better for baking. But I use wax paper when making candy and for some crafts too. They still make it. It's with the foils and sandwich bags at my grocery store. What a silly girl.
Really you're having trouble finding it? I go through at least a roll of it every 3 months. I use it whenever I bake as well as whenever I tenderize meat or "pound" chicken. I'm sorry I would have laughed at the girl. haha
Daggone right, I use wax paper. They'd better not stop making it. I use it whenever I can instead of clingy plastic.
I would totally miss it! I use was paper all the time. Parchment paper too. I would imagine she would tell me that is something in a Harry Potter book?
Nope never use it... but I do have it in a drawer... collecting dust!
she must have been very young or something. I use it all the time. Or maybe I just know about it because of you and dad. I used it the other day for some treats that I took to the beach. Yes I said the beach it was 60 degrees and beautiful
she must have been very young or something. I use it all the time. Or maybe I just know about it because of you and dad. I used it the other day for some treats that I took to the beach. Yes I said the beach it was 60 degrees and beautiful
What would I do without was paper!
The Big Guy uses it for his baking projects (I don't cook anymore.) Wax paper is one of those things that even though we don't use it all the time, when we need it nothing else will do!!
The best non-cooking use for wax paper is to "wax" the bottom of a steam iron (does anyone still iron??) that has a build-up of steam residue causing the hot iron to stick to the item being ironed. Run a pretty-close-to-hot iron over a sheet of wax paper several times. The iron will glide much more smoothly and won't stick anymore.
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