I am so excited!!! I lost 2 pounds this week! I am on a roll! This week I made very wise choices but I was by no means perfect. My eating will never be perfect but really who does eat perfect. Even my friend Linda who is a very healthy eater doesn't eat that way all the time. So I am just satisfied that I did the very best I could do this week.
Working Out ~ No I did not but I am really not all that upset about that. Some how I hurt my knee and I was having trouble just walking. This might sound strange but in the past I have lost more weight not working out until I've lost almost all of my weight.
I have a huge want to exercise but this cold hurts so bad I won't do it. I need a partner...wanna move to AR?
Healthy eating..I can do that one most days.
Yay Gayle!!! Good for you! Keep up the wise choices; I really have a problem in that area.....and in the workout area; and the willpower area.....
yay 2 pounds! you are on your way now!
Congrats! That's a great loss!!
If your knee is hurting you need to rest it. You should not feel guilty about that at all.
1st thanks for following me!
now i am coming there
not only do you lose weight hanging around but it is beautiful there. oh how i am not a snow bunny but to take such beautiful photos!
Yay, Gayle! That feels great. Me? I ate sushi Saturday night so I skipped getting on the scale this morning - might still be retaining water from all the soy sauce!
Two pound is about right for a week, isn't it? Kudos to you! I am having a hard time getting back to any kind of working out since the first of the year. Thanks for the reminder.
Great job, Gayle! Way to go!
That's awesome! You did well. When your knee is feeling better...start out by walking just 15 minutes a few times a week. Any walking is good for you.
Congrats on the 2 pounds! Doesn't it feel great? I lost 20 lbs. from Aug. to Oct. and then lost control when Halloween candy, Thanksgiving pies, and Christmas cookies came along. I'm trying to get serious again. Hang in there!
Sorry about you knee!
I did not do much exercise, except a daily walk, while losing weight either.
Worked for me. I figured I would tone everything once I had lost the weight... shame I have to do it all again!
Congrats on the loss! :)
Yay for you!! A great way to lose some weight is to get a stomach bug...trust me...
I am at a stale mate after my eye surgery..nothing too strenuous..I wouldn't want to have that eye done again. I did do a slow walk on the treadmill today 12 minutes..not enough to breathe hard or sweat. Ain't exercise fun? The way I figure it, I did not gain weight in a day, so it will take a long time to come off. Hang in there..do some sit ups..you won't be using your knee:)
Congratulations Gayle, you still had exercise out in the snow, you just keep what your doing...if your knee is sore, don't force it. Good for you, keep it up. yeah.
Congratulations on your success, and take care of that knee. Joints are so important!
Congratulations! In Al-Anon, we have a saying: progress not perfection. Sounds like you are being gentle with yourself, taking pleasure in what you did do and not beating yourself up about what you did not. That's great.
Thank you for visiting my blog and giving me some words of encouragement...I always tend to second guess myself...
GREAT job on losing 2 lbs. I was on WW's and it took a lot for me to lose 2 lbs....(Some reason, it doesn't take nearly as much effort to gain 2!)
Gayle, thanks for visiting my blog too. It's nice to meet you here. I think 2 pounds is about the most you should lose in a week. I myself am trying to get motivated to lose those five pounds that are all around my middle and make my pants tight! I just can't seem to get myself in gear. Funny how sometimes it's easy and sometimes it's hard!
Well, shoot, nothing is perfect, but you are setting a goal and you are keeping your head on straight, and I for one am impressed with your progress and your enthusiasm. Hugs.
HOW EXCITING!! Way to go!! BTW your grandson it too cute.
oops s/b is too cute.
Great news! Not about the sore knee. Hope that gets better FAST!
I can give you the stomach bug we have over here and that will surely jump start the weight loss! LOL
Sorry about your knee.
I'm working on the same issues. Between blogging, reading and writing, I'm sitting too much! I do have the eating down, though. We are being very healthy in that department. But when we left for a few days to the coast we ate what we wanted. If you are not a bit flexible - you end up going overboard, don't you think?
Love the picture of you and your little grandbaby. I have one that is two and I'm totally smitten.
Congrats on the weight loss. They say that's the way to do it, a little at a time as you incorporate healthy habits into your daily routine.
i am on my way to the gym right now. i started about two weeks ago and all i've done is walk on the treadmill and my entire body feels like i have the flu ... and all i've done is WALK. ugh.
You are a young looking grandma! Your grandson is a cutie.
You are a young looking grandma! Your grandson is a cutie.
Good job on the 2 lbs! Sounds like you know exactly what works for you! :)
congrats on the two pounds. that's always exciting to step on the scale and see the number go down. I've never been good at dieting and I have probably the worst eating habits ever.
Congrats on the weight loss! I just told my husband tonight that working out only makes me hungry. I have eaten so much food since January 1st. It really is ridiculous.
Congrats Gayle! That's awesome!!! Keep it up.
Woooo-hoooo, good for you!
I am so proud! Woo HOO! Keep it up Gayle! :D
salam dari kami, please comment in my blog and to be successfull 1001 comment , <a href="http://historicofphotos.blogspot.com/2010/01/sacral-of-moment/”>here</a>
You look great in that pic with your grandson and lucky you can loose weight ...
I am trying. After chemo it has not been easy losing weight for me.
Awesome job!! Doesn't it feel great!
Well Congratulations to you for losing those 2 pounds this week!!! I'm applauding right now!
I hope to get caught up with everyone's progress within the week and will be doing my own weight update on Monday. I did not eat properly in Maui at all, mostly restaurants and pot luck with the relatives and did I mention lots of wine?Lol!
Back on track and yes, I do have to work out. Helps me keep up with our 3 1/2 year old who loves doing my aerobic tape with me.
So glad to be back!
It's so hard. I stayed on the straight and narrow for a while and lost 12 pounds. Then temptations started cropping up. A neighbor gave me a piece of apple pie and a loaf of cinnamon bread...what's a gal to do?
Yay, I'm your 100th follower! Woohoo!
Congrats on the 2 lbs! I lost three this week...finally!
Awesome job! They say that is how you should lose weight, one or two pounds per week!
Hi Gayle. Great job on the loss. I am a new follower and am hoping you can keep me motivated. Us hormonal girls need to stick together!
I think I gained your two. I had birthday cake and fried fish in the same week, oh well congrats to you!
Congratulations Gayle!!!! that is great!! Keep it up!!
Congrats! That's awesome!
Left you an award on my blog today!
Good job! I think that where weight loss is concerned, calorie intake is more important than exercise (not that exercise isn't good for you) but it's much easier to just not eat the calories than to try to exercise them back off. lol
Good job...you are doing great! They saying eating is 70% of losing weight anyway.
That's fantastic! If you try to eat too perfectly, you feel too deprived and fall off the wagon so this is great how you're doing it!
Woohooo!!!! I am so proud of you. I get on the scale on Monday....we will see. I feel like I have lost though. You are doing awesome!
Wow, this is fantastic...and seriously, that can't be you...you look wayyy too young to be a Grandma. That is crazy girl.
Congratulations on the weight loss. I find the poverty-and-stress diet quite effective myself..
Gayle, I'm so glad for the weight loss! That's wonderful!
Have a great weekend!
Betty xx
I am very proud of you!!! Keep up the weight loss, it's worth it. Just wish my brain was wrapped around it :) My best to you.
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