23 Years of Trees Gone in a Blink of a Eye. When we bought our property 23 years ago it was and old abandoned farm house with 1 tree on the front half and the rest was just dirt and shrubs. We spent days picking up glass and bottles because in the olden days some families buried their trash on their property. My husband spent weeks planting trees and landscaping our yard. Now because of an interstate coming near by, the state is having to reroute power lines. Guess where they are putting them?? Across our front yard and we could do absolutely nothing about this!! Yes, they gave us some money...but it was no where near enough to pay for all the work my husband put into our yard and plus now the tress are gone and our yard looks terrible!! I am trying not to cry. Oh and we still have to pay taxes on this land for the rest of our lives for the benefit of the Power Company! You may think you owe your land but you Don't!!!
oh what a shame. Those were some beautiful trees. I think I would feel like crying too
This makes me so very sad. I'm sorry this happened to you.
My sister lives on a main street in a small down and the city came by and cut or overly trimmed all of the trees on the lining of the streets. It looked terrible and to this day does not feel or look the same.
I'm so sorry! :-(
Oh Gayle! I'm so sorry! They've just down something similar to one of our most beautiful roads too - it makes me feel like crying every time I drive down it and see all the trees are gone.
Oh my gosh, that made me cry. How sad is that? It also made me recall when our road was a one lane dirt path. They taxed us all to put in a 2 lane paved road and in order to do that, they tore out every tree that lined our beautiful country road! I begged them to leave ours....2 huge old evergreens and one that gets the little twirly things. They bulldozed as far as they had to for the road taking out all of our tiger lilies and ended up killing the two evergreens because they shaved the roots off. The other tree survived. I shed a lot of tears over the whole thing.
You have my sympathies. :(
Wow, we never learn, do we? You'd think they could figure out a way not to cut so many trees....well, of course they could but it might cost them more.... Makes me both sad and angry--and I'm supposed to be blissed out!
so sad...all for the sake of progress...
That's just awful. The compensation isn't anywhere near the time, effort, and heart that you both put into your property. I'm sorry they're doing this.
That totally sucks!! All those beautiful trees too. I am so sorry!!
That is so unfair. This post really made me angry and so sad for you! As if a little money could replace your trees and make it any easier to accept those power lines.
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Awww that is just so sad. And it just sucks! I would have cried.
This is just so sad.....and it really makes me angry because we can't do anything about it. Remember that old song about paving paradise to put in a parking lot...well, this is close. The home I grew up in (a farmhouse on acreage) was torn down and apartment buildings built on the land. The only thing remaining are the two huge mulberry trees that once graced our front yard. I'm surprised they left them.
Gayle, that is just awful! I am so sorry for you and the hard work and memories of developing your land gone in an instant.
Gayle, that makes me feel terrible that the state would destroy what is almost a forest, that sucks!
I'm sorry for you.
I am so sorry you are going through this big disappointment. What a shame. All the beautiful trees! I read this to my hubby and I told him this is another reason I do not to own property ever again. I just don't know what to say to you.
I am so sorry. Those trees were lovely. I lived a while in west Texas and learned to truly appreciate trees. You are so right about owning property...but guess there aren't any alternatives.
Oh, Gayle, what a horrible thing to have happen. You must be furious. There are too many stories like your out there. It just seems so wrong.
That is the bad thing about eminent domain. No one ever receives just rewards for their blood, sweat and tears. I’m sorry you have to loose all that beauty.
Add my voice to to those who feel your hurt, Gayle. So sorry that this has happened to you and yours.
That is awful! I want to cry with you. Trees are too valuable to lose. I'm so sorry.
Oh my goodness! How can they do that? I would be devastated. That is really sad.
That is horrible! I can't believe it! I am so sorry.
You have to pay taxes after all this ??? Very shocking and I feel so sad that all the effort of growing them has vanished in a blink of eye...
No wonder you are sad ... you have every right to bitch about this too.
How horrible! :(
What a tragedy. I wish there was something to say to make it better, it never will be, though. And those trees were so beautiful. At least you must know that many of us here in the blogosphere are crying along with you for the loss of those trees...
Oh...this is so sad. We are the watchers and keepers over trees. Killing and destroying is not progress!!!
Cindy at Lakewood
I would cry too! All the beautiful trees gone. Boo ho!
What a prime example of the government total autonomy. Makes me sick to my stomach that you had no way to fight this. It's just terrible.
You don't own a damn thing that the state can't take from you!
This is simply terrible! I am just sickened that this can be done (and all in the name of progress!). Damn shame! Very sorry, Gayle!
Oh my gosh! Thats just terrible. Im so sorry!! That makes me so mad. I hope the person responsible gets a visit from Karma!
This is a horror! I am so sorry. Wow.
That's right. You only own your land as long as it's convenient for the government. I'm sorry this has happened to you. That totally sucks! (I like your post title, by the way.)
Oh for heavens sake Gayle, that is really frustrating. I am sorry you had to do this. big hug my friend. take care.
Arrived here by chance - what a sad post. I remember a while back a neighbour chopped down just one tree, where so many birds used to frequent, and it was like losing a friend.
At times life does seem unfair - but we survive and life goes on.
Best wishes,
That is awful! I complain about the trees here...but it is because no one takes care of them and they fall on houses (and we have tree police - long story!), but your case is so sad and just horrible. I am so sorry for you.
I'm so sorry about the trees and the power lines. That must be very hard. My heart goes out to you. I know what you mean about the glass and bottles. We have some land that used to be a ranch. Cowboys camped on our land, and we still find their "treasures." Hugs.
This is awful - so sorry!
Love to you
ohhhh, this is sooo sad. :0(
Ohhhhh that sucks pond water! I would have felt like crying, too!
How terrible and nothing you can do about it. Beautiful trees being replaced by power lines, is this progress? Awful. Your land, all your work and gone in an instant. So sorry this happened to you Gayle.
This is awful that your pretty trees and landscaping are gone, all for power poles. Can you plant trees between your house and the ugly poles, to somewhat hide the poles?
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