I am a TA ~ Teacher Assistant ~ which means I help the teacher, kids and anything else that I am asked to do.
My first day back was one LONG meeting!!
Second day back was more meetings and reading and signing papers ~ Employee Handbook, Bloodborne Pathogens, Sexual Harrasment, Diabetes Awarenss Review, Seclusion and Restraint and Email Acceptable Use. While all these are necessary ~ what I don't understand is why I have to read/watch them every year!! This took almost a half a day and the last one I just did at home. Finally got in the room to work after lunch.
Days three and four where ~ cleaning, arranging the furniture (which was stacked for the summer because that is what we are told to do), writing names on folders, running off papers,
rehanging posters, bulletins boards, door decorations, wall decorations, laminating, name tags, lunch table tags etc etc.
Plus this year I am being shared between Two teachers so I had to do most of this twice!
This will be a Very Hard Year!!
gotta love that vid too if it is the same one i have seen...you provide and invaluable service though...so thank you...and i hope it is not so bad...
Isn't all that "back-to-school" stuff annoying? I just went through it all, too. Finally got time with kids though.
Aarrgghh. Hope the days get to be more rewarding!
My oldest daughter will be working 2 or 3 days a week as a TA this year. It works really well with her boy's school schedule. I wonder if her criminal justice degree will be of any help to her. Haha.
I hope things get better for you as the year goes on.
Even though it is really tough, think how hard it would be for those two teacher without you! What you are doing is so necessary and appreciated. But bureaucratic duties are never ever fun. Good for you for doing it, though!
I'm guessing that either the school district requires it's employees to review all those things every year, or there is some state requirement that compels the school districts to do it.....all in the name of protecting their legal interests. If something happens, the district can say that they trained their employees.
I wish you the best in the new school year.
There's just no escaping the ritual red tape is there? Sounds like you're going to be very busy this school year.
sounds like a fun job except for all the paperwork before even getting into the classroom. sounds though like you will be busy in the coming year; I hope it is a good one for the students, teachers and aides!!
(glad your grandson is doing better too)
I have to do annual mandatory education, too. It gets old, doesn't it.
Sorry you have to go back to work - but you do so much for the teachers and the children. I'm sure that in itself is rewarding.
I hope you got some needed R & R this weekend. (hugs)
Betty Ann
God bless you and the teachers! Our schools go back Aug. 31. My kids are excited, but not as excited as I am!
I'm reminded of how much paperwork is ahead for me for my three kids. Ugh!
I hope you'll be surprised with a year that is not so hard. But if it is, I hope you'll find something that is so much fun to do during your free time, that it will compensate for the not-so-fun times.
Welcome back! I am a special ed secretary for a school district and I was exhausted last week!
You are going to be busy, busy, busy this year!
I hope it gets better!
Hoorah for teacher's aides! You guys are wonderful!
That is a hard work. And two teachers this year! Oh my! I hope the teachers you are working with are great teachers, and appreciate all that you do!
Have a prety day!
Schools are a little too good about putting out documents and running meetings.
I helped a client with a 2 hour intake meeting at her son's school today - just to sign a bunch of papers to get an assessment going.
Hang in.
That sounds exhausting, and the kids aren't even there yet.....yikes.
They are lucky to have you. I know you will be great with the kids and great for them too.
Back to school is a very busy time. I know our school would not make it without teacher's assistants.
All those cutbacks. I wonder if our state even has TAs this year.
Having done my time as a Teacher's Aide, I can say that you are among the greatest of the great! Under appreciated and of the most value!
Rest and take care of you, looks like you might need it!
That is so great that you are a TA. I am hoping this year turns out to be the best for you!
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