Whenever I talk about my dad........I always say my dad. Sometimes I say Grandpa Clawson and sometimes Dad but mostly I say my dad. My Dad was Wonderful!!!! He was loved by all who knew him. He accepted people for who they were and never judged. His life was not any easy one but I know he was happy. He was surrounded by family and friends that loved him. I could not have asked for a better dad!! I am so thankful that he knew this when he was alive. I have no regrets. We were very close and he knew how much I loved him and he also knew how much his death was going to effect me. Sitting around my kitchen table we had many opportunities to talk and talk we did. He shared his thoughts about his life with me. He told me to "remember the good times" but it is so hard to remember the good times without being sad. He died in 1998 as I have probably said before and it is still very hard on me at times. The last 2 months have been especially hard and I am not sure why. Maybe May being Mother's Day (my mom died in 1968) and June being Father's Day has trigger it. I just have moments when I miss my dad so very much. Father's Day is Sunday and if your dad, daddy, father is alive.......don't forget to tell him how much he means to you. If you are not on the best of terms with you dad, you may want to take this Father's Day to become closer.....because once they are gone it's too late.
Gayle, what a beautiful post, he sounds wonderful, and yes I talk about my Dad too. This is a very hard time of year, I don't think we ever outgrow that feeling of being a child. know I am thinking about you and a big heartfelt hug. Be well.
My dad died shortly after Father's Day in June and so this is a tough time for me too. I wish I had the chance to talk with him and prepare for it, but it was totally an accident when he died.
AWWW! What a sweet post!! It is awesome that you had a close relationship with him and were able to talk with him before he died.
I bet he is smiling down on you right now saying what a good daughter you are!
I am pretty close to my Dad as well... I am going to make a point to tell him how I feel, cause like you said, when they are gone it is too late!
a beautiful post...and wise words you end it with...i am sure your dad is smiling...
You are exactly right.
Beautiful post and I know exactly how you feel. I was very close to my dad also and miss him so much. Maybe your dad and mine are sharing a cup of coffee right now and smiling down on their blogging daughters :)
Oh Gayle! (What is it with blog-land tonight? This is at least the 3rd time I've been reduced to tears!) This was an absolutely beautiful post. And although I love my father very much (and considered myself a "daddy's girl") we've not been close. After the scare last year, I've tried to rectify that - but it's hard. He's so stoic and set in his ways. I'm so used to going my own way. After this post - I will try harder.x
BEautiful post. I miss my dad and he just lives in another state. :-(
I wish everyone could say about their dads, what you've said about yours. What a special and loving relationship. Makes me think about my dad who died in 1999. I still have a stepfather and I want to keep our relationship strong. I guess Father's Day is a good reminder.
I don't have the best relationship with my dad, but I do respect him. We get together from time to time and lately I am making it a point to have spend some one on one time with him by going to lunch, etc.
It is good that you have those great memories with your dad!
I tell people that all the time...appreciate them while they are here because they are too soon gone!
loved the pictures of your dad and also your tribute to him. I can imagine it must be so hard for you and how you must miss both of your parents. I never knew my dad since he died when I was 18 months old and the only memories I have of him was what my mom would say (and she was always willing to share everything). I think when parents die, it is so sad for us because the ones that loved us so completely and most of the time unconditionally are no longer there and since they have known us younger than any other people, we really miss that connection (my mom died in 2006 and I do miss her)
hugs to you
What a sweet post!!
This is a lovely tribute, Gayle. You are fortunate to have had such a dad. And he was lucky to have had you. Hugs.
He was the best Grandpa, too. We all miss him very much. I love that you still talk and write about him. His memory lives on in your words!
My dad is actually my step and i could not have hand picked anyone better for the job. I might not have his blood but I have his love and that's enough.
Great tribute to your dad.
wonderful words about your Dad
Mine died when I was 3
I have always missed him not even knowing what I missed
Thanks for coming by...I always enjoy your comments (o:
He sounds like a wonderful dad, and a great man. He was very thoughtful too, to be concerned about you over his pending death. I hope that the good memories he left bring a smile or two to your face.
Such an wonderful tribute to the most wonderful Dad (assuming from your post). It brought tears into my eyes...
I lost my dad last year and it has been tough! It always is difficult to accept the loss of our parent.
Warm hugs to you Gayle
What a beautiful tribute to your dad!
I miss him so much too. I started not to read this until I got home today but instead read it this morning. I love him so much and I love you and daddy to. I can just smell his cologne right now, and me saying I love you and him saying I love you too sweetheart! He was so loving. I just miss him. I love you
That was a nice message. Thank you for Sharing, Gayle. :)
Gayle, such a beautiful tribute to your dad. It would be so hard having already lost both parents. My dad lives in Destin, Fl. and I sure don't see him enough. Thanks for always leaving such nice comments.
Awww...Dad's can often be our unsung heroes. Thanks for the reminder.
Oh Gayle. You made me cry. I too call my Dad, "my Dad", despite the fact I have five other siblings...it's like I am claiming my relationship with him. When I am with them, I do my best to drop the "my". Tears fill my eyes when I read of losing one's Father and Mother...because, as both my parents age, I know it is coming...especially with my Dad, when each day is so very special, with him in the nursing home. This was really a beautiful, heart felt post. Good advice to anyone who has "unresolved issues", to make peace with their parents before it is too late.... hugs to you dear friend.
So sweet! You were fortunate to have such a loving relationship.
Your Dad sounds wonderful! I totally relate to having trouble with certain months. My Mom passed in January so that month is hard as well as Mothers Day. And then there are the days when your heart is just breaking with missing them. Just take it day by day and remember the love he had for you!
Oh Gayle, I know how you feel. My dad's been gone since 1989...it doesn't seem like its been that many years cause you know how time flies...but I miss him (and my mom) very much. I'm glad I have the memories that I do. We are so fortunate to have those, aren't we? Big hugs, Gayle. There will be a whole lot of us thinking of our dads who have passed on Sunday.
Wonderful post!! Very sweet!!
Especially given that your Mom died so early, I can only imagine what a huge part of your life your father was. That is a wonderful post and tribute to him.
What a great tribute to your dad! He looks like such a sweet man. I am planning a dad post on Friday. My father died on Father's Day.
It's great to see pictures of your dad. I have read that same sentiment in a couple blogs today to get on better terms with your father if he is still alive. My dad died in 1986. I am older now than he was when he died. Hugs to you and I know you miss your dad.
this post is lovely and touched my heart. i'm so happy to have the father i do. he is wonderful and witty and i love him. the good times are close to my heart.
Gayle, AMEN to that...you are right , when they are gone it is too late. Your dad sounds wonderful, how blessed were you to have him for YOUR DAD.
Thank you for your comment on y blog today.. now, go tell your hubby thank you!
Have a pretty day!
Oh Gayle, we're on the same wave length these days. I'm missing my dad terribly too.
Hang in there and like your dad said, remember the good times.
That's beautiful, Gayle. What a blessing to have such an amazing man in your life. :)
I envy people who have/had wonderful relationships with their Mums/Dads! My Dad drowned in 2000 and I don't miss him at all! He was not a nice person at all...and hardly ever showed me love at all. Sure he was there with help if it was ever needed, but he never let you forget it! It was not done out of the kindness of his heart that's for sure.
So, I am so happy to know that you had a wonderful, loving relationship with your Dad... it must have been so lovely.
A Sad and beautiful post. I always call my Dad on father's Day and treasure every moment I have with both of my parents.
Oh, I'm so sorry! You have a sweet and heartfelt post here. I lost my dad when I was 12 and I still miss him terribly.
Isn't it such a great comfort to know that you expressed your love while he was still with you? Very valuable. I did that with My Dad, and he with me, so no regrets were left behind in that regard. Very valuable thing to do with those you love, always.
Thanks for this post. I love my dad and get see him every day.
What a gift to have a Great Father that you loved.. !! Lucky you. I did not but that is another story... but I still get pleased to know there are wonderful men that are wonderful humans and dads..!! (hugs to you) Enjoy your upcoming vacation too..!!
Betty Ann
I feel so blessed to have my Dad here with us yet, hopefully for many years to come.
Beautiful tribute to obviously a wonderful Dad!! I lost my dad 2 1/2 years ago. I miss him and wish I had been in a better place 'personally' his last few months. :-(
I hope you are feeling better and focus on the Happy memories!
Gayle, thanks for sharing that story. It was so beautiful, and sad...what a loving tribute!!!
Warm wishes to you and your family.
Your post hit a nerve today... but you are so, so, so right.
Awww, Gayle you just pulled on som of my memoeies. My dad died about four years ago. I couldn't ever come to terms with it!
What a powerful tribute to your dad!
~B xx
I can tell you do miss your dad by the way you wrote this. I'm sorry he's not with you today, but it sounds like you did have some great final moments with him. That's pretty rare. I hope I have that with my pops. I'll see him tomorrow, and as always, I'll be grateful to have the time with him.
I just got the chance last week to tell my dad that I love him in person. Lucky me!
What a beautiful tribute to your dad. He sounds like a very special man. How fortunate you were to have had a close relationship with him.
Jane (artfully graced)
Thank you Gayle for sharing this beautiful tribute to your wonderful dad!
sad but beautiful post and I think it's great to take your advice.. and tell they how much they mean to you now... My Dad is gone.. and I did not get the chance.. he died suddenly.... SO did you take your grandson to see toystory 3
I love the emotion you share with us when you talk about your dad. {{{hug}}}
I see so many cases where people let silly feuds chew up the years and then have so many regrets in the end. Good advice that you gave at the end!
Good and thoughtful post...
Country Blessings,
Hey Gayle,
I have an award for you on my blog! stop by and get it. :-D
What a touching sentiment. Fortunately my dad is still with us. I wrote this for him on my post last week. "Dear Dad". You can find it just down the page. Peace Mike
My dad has been gone for 1 1/2 years and I miss him every day. I have two granddaughters who were only babies when he died and really dont remember him except through our stories of him. He would literally light up when he saw them. After he had a heart attack and was forced to spend some time in a rehab facility before going home, I had a picture of the two girls blown up to poster size to pin to his bedside wall for encouragement. My mom said when the pain was bad or he was feeling down he would tell "the girls" stories about himself, the family, etc. What I wouldn't give to have recorded those stories! It would mean everything to hear his voice again- I am sure you can understand.
One last thing I would like to share, my oldest granddaughter, Kyndle, is now 3 1/2 and she and I spend a good deal of time together. She knows how much I miss my dad and I have explained that although he isn't with us here on earth he is our guardian angel in heaven and he watches over us and helps us. One night the two of us were taking a walk through the neighborhood (she in the stroller, me pushing)and she heard me having a one way conversation with my dad (which I sometimes do) and she wanted to know who I was talking to. I told her and she said "my great grandpa up in heaven?" and when I said yes she sat back and mulled it over. About 15 minutes later back at home the walk over, I stopped the stroller at the front porch and lifted her out. Instead of going to the front door she said "wait grandma," and ran out on the front lawn looked up at the stars in the sky and waved saying "Good night great grandpa- I love you from me Kyndle."
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