This past week I did pretty good eating healthy. I didn't pig out on chocolate on Wednesday...just walked right by....It called my name but I didn't answer!!! It felt so good!! My favorite time to eat is at night watching TV with Gerald. This has been going on for years. It all started when the girls were little, after putting them to bed, I would sit down and relax, turn on the TV, get a book ( use to read during the commercials) and EAT. So it's hard to break a 30+ year habit. Shoot I never even smoked that long! I did great this week with the night eating too. On the negative side....I had a milk shake (Gerald's fault, he wanted one) and two Italian dinners.
My working out went for 2 times last week to 1 time this week. This has to improve.
My scale problem has been solved!! I know lots of people don't use them but I have to. My daughter Angela email me a consumer report on scales so I went out to Target and bought the top rated one with my Christmas money and it wasn't even that expensive. Under $30. It is digital which I use to not like but now I do. So I will only get on it once a week and only one time.
Since I got the new scale........I am really not sure about weight loss this week. It's like starting over. According to the New scale I have gained 1 pound from last week but have lost 3 all together. It's hard to say......don't think I gained but I am sure I didn't lose anything either.
This is a new day and new week and all I can do is move forward and do the best that I can!!!!
Because of my past (anorexia/bulimia) I have to stay away from scales or just use them sporadically. My most recent weight loss journey had me down to 113 lbs because I was so focused on what that scale was saying. That's too low for me so I had to step back and take a deep breath. I realize I just need to go with how my clothes fit. I'm happiest at a size 6/8 NOT a 2/4.
I'm glad you got a scale that will work for you, however.
Go with how your clothes fit instead of the scale. If you feel like you have lost something...go with that feeling.
What about a tape measure? Do you have one of those.
You can do this! Great job on avoiding the candy!
You want to know how I fixed MY little scale problem? With a hammer! :)
You're doing great!!! Keep it up!
Hopefully you'll be able to get some more exercise in this week, I'm sure you'll see the results of your hard work next week.
Yeahhh for a new scale!
Nothing like switching scales to mess up what you thought you had done but now didn't!
I'm sure that it'll all work out fine. And if not, you can always use my trick, lean on the wall just a little as you step on. Works for my ego each time!
You go girl!
good job keeping hte attitude up. it is a new week. what will you do different? more exercise perhaps. it is a journey and there is no quick fix, none that ever seems to stick.
The pollsters always allow for a 5%leeway plus or minus in their statistics. It's probably a good idea to do that with scales as well. Be kind to yourself and make allowances for normal fluctuations in water weight gain etc.
i am the same way with eating. afeter the kids went to bed on saturday, the husband and i watched a movie, ate brownies and had a glass of wine. this was at like, 10 at night. horrible.
a new scale is a new start but three pounds down is still awesome!
Congratulations on your effort. Any effort at all is better than none! I never worry about my weight...my pants tell me if I've lost or gained. I don't even own a scale. I am doing well with my eat healthy 6 days and pig out the other day. I'm trying to work out and walk most days and I'm doing okay. It isn't easy. I would rather be lazy for sure! Keep it up!
You are starting out with the new scale and can keep track with more faith in the accurateness. It really hasn't been long and you are changing habits. Good for you to take care of yourself.
Soudns like you are doing awesome! Just keep on keeping on. Success will come! :)
I just started mine today...worked out and can barely move. Sounds like you are doing great though!! Walk walk walk..or play with that cute grandson of yours..that's a workout!!
I tried the no scale thing - VERY bad decision for me. Keep up the good work Gayle!!
Glad you got the new scale. I weigh 2x/week - mid week and end week.
The good thing about being old and out of shape (fat) is you don't have to look at yourself. It's everybody else's problem what they see.
Congrats on keeping at it. I wouldn't worry about the 1 pound difference. I have a feeling it will all level out by next week. Keep up the great work.
There is always variations with new/old scales, don't worry about the number this week! Good on you for trying to get healthier.. I am too!
If you get on a scale every day, you will drive yourself crazy!!! Weight can fluctuate by as much as a couple pounds from morning to night.
i hate scales. they're evil. although i feel compelled to climb on one every so often, i generally go by how my clothes fit.
I love chocolate! I have no will power to resist. good job!
thanks for stopping over to the Nest!
I had a terrible weekend, but it's back on the straight and narrow today. I really just need to stick with the program. lol I find that weighing myself once a week helps me stay a little more accountable for what I'm eating, because even if it doesn't go down, I sure don't want it to go up!
Keep it up, you're doing great!
Just remember that muscle weights more than fat AND muscle burns fat. So it's more accurate to go by measurements and how your clothes are fitting. Also, if you eat a small piece of a chocolate bar that's at least 70% cocoa you gain antioxidants from it. Of course, I'm on the poverty and stress diet which has been highly effective, but I can't recommend it. Good luck!
Yeah for Gayle. You know, just that you are making the changes slowly is progress. We can't do everything at once. And when you make a few changes, it makes you feel guilty, so you make a few more, and so the cycle evolves!
Gayle - I like your positive outlook. Keep it up - 1/2 pound at a time! I usually get on my scale once per week also. I have lost 50 pounds since last April on Weight Watchers, and still going strong!
You are taking the right steps and it sounds like you are determined. Keep us all posted!
Your posts are motivating me to get going with my exercise and healthy eating. A couple of weekends ago I moved all the clothes off the treadmill and moved it back in front of the TV. (Does that count as a workout?). Unfortunately, I've been plagued with a sinus infection and unable to do much, but I'm ready to go now. Like others said, I go more by the fit of my clothes but I do try to get on the scale once a week.
keep going! you can do it!
Dont fret over one cruddy week. You'll do better! If you are really haveing a hard time not eating at night - try switching to a healthy pre measured snack like: fruit, carrots, popcorn with that no calorie spray, low fat pretzels.
I can finally follow blogs again!!!!!! Following you!!!!!!
I am commenting here, because it is your newest post, but I read some of your previous posts and am enjoying them. Another place to visit. I threw away my scale when my late daughter was bulemic and never looked back. I am exercising and looking to be healthy myself--at 57. SO, KID, no complaints about age and weight coming off!!! no, it really is each day as it comes. My regimen's simple. Eat 2/3 of what I would normally eat. EVERYTHING I want, but I hack off a third. I will build up--no. DOWN to removing half of some things, but this is a start. My habits had mostly to do with too much, not the time of day. Just too much food... and I'd had to stop the exercise. But I started fresh this year, pointedly NOT making a resolution about it--resolutions feel like I'm giving myself orders and I don't follow orders well. Good luck! And THANK YOU for visiting my blog. I have no clue how you found me, but thanks. Hey. If you really want a sensual food, eat a pluot. I wrote about them in early September...
Sounds like you are doing well. I despise scales! But, of course have one and get on it too much. The best I ever did at weight loss thus far was when I didn't have a scale. Makes me think about chucking the current one.
The idea of not being able to eat late at night is a myth. Total calories is what counts. Snacks are good. Try to pick healthy ones, though. Munch on fruit and veggies.
You're doing great! Don't give up.
I despise scales too.
I try to eat lesser than I used to amd I prefer to eat haelthy food or nuts as well.
I do something a little weird with my scale. I set it at 5 lbs. instead of zero. It sounds crazy but it gives me incentive to be careful not to gain weight. I like your happy attitude so I signed up to follow. Stop by my place and perhaps return the favor. http://www.boomerpie.com/
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