Table decorations
It is hard for me to believe that Greg turned 50!! Some time last year Meredith suggested we have a big party for him. We rented a building, Rusty had a friend of his cook a pig for us, we bought slaw, potato salad, chips, rolls, candy, chips and more. Meredith ordered a cake and tons of balloons. Rusty and Meredith went crazy at Party City buying decorations. I had picked up sand buckets ( he loves the beach and Beach Boys), coke bowls and decorations, Meredith got some more from a friend. Rusty hauled in tons of ice (probably too much thanks to me). Emily and I went down to Clayton and together with Meredith ran errands and decorated the building with the help of Meredith's mom, brother, Sean and Gerald. Bryson, Colby and Ally helped some. Greg had such a wonderful time. The band was awesome. Thanks to Meredith's dad for arranging that. Greg said the blessing and we all had a delicious BBQ (southern style). Greg sang with the band "Today is Your Birthday" by the Beatles. Meredith made a slide show of Greg...some of the pictures were really old ones that we scanned and gave her. So with old pictures from when he was just a little boy along with newer pictures the slide show was a great success. We had the cake and Greg opened his gifts. There was dancing, talking and laughing and so many great memories were made. We had about 75 people, maybe more turn out.... Beasley's, Meredith's family, Friends from both sides, Clawson's and Gerald's family...I am sure I have left something or someone out ...please forgive me and if you are reading this...please feel free to correct me or add to this.
I don't think you forgot anyone or anything. It sounds like you have a great bunch of friends and family.
Nice post... Looks like solid-state memory is really starting to take off. Hopefully we'll start seeing a drop in SSD prices real soon. Five dollar 32 gigabyte SDs for your Nintendo DS flash card... imagine that!
(Submitted by PostNext for R4i Nintendo DS.)
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