Sometimes he wanted to push the candles to far down. He told us he was making a circle.
He is such a happy little boy. It's hard to believe we will be celebrating his 3rd birthday in less than a month.
Angela blowing out her candles. Greg watching.
Angela's birthday was October 6th but we celebrated it yesterday. Gerald work 40 hours overtime this past week making robots for work ( his design). I told him he needs to get a Pattin but not sure what he will do. He fixed pepper steak, rice, salad, green beans and rolls. I fixed a homemade carrot cake with the help of Emily and Bryson. After supper we watched Charlotte's Web. Bryson watched some but then he wanted to go watch Barney in my bedroom. When he started to get sleepy he decided it was time to get up and go play some more. We all had a wonderful time.
What a fun Gramme you are Gayle. It's nice to see someone who really understands, and enjoys their grands. They are young such a short time and you two (Gerald your a good Grampa too) are sharing special moments that can't be replaced or taken away. These pic's are something else. I really like the one on the train too. I hadn't seen it in the other batch of Thomas the Train pic's. Thanks for sharing your fun with us. Uncle Del & Aunt Barbara
A P.S. to the first one: Happy Belated Birthday to Angela. Love Uncle Del & Aunt Barbara
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