Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Better Late Than Never

I know it's late but I just had to show these pictures of our beautiful snow fall!


DJan said...

I love that first one with the gorgeous sky behind the tree!

Living Life said...

So pretty! Is this your first big snow? I know the first snow is always pretty until it begins to get dirty with street traffic. Happy New Year to you!

Brian Miller said...

wow. these are awesome particlarly the street light...

Cindy said...

Gayle these are awesome, just beautiful. I hope you had the best xmas, I am actually going to read your previous posts as I am playing catch up today. thank you for your friendship. I wish you and yours a very Happy and Healthy 2011. hugs.

Together We Save said...

Oh my.... your snow was beautiful!

Coffeypot said...

You did better than us. We only had about 5".

jules said...

That looks like outside around here....

Ann said...

They are beautiful Gayle. I especially like that last shot. Snow always looks so much prettier in pictures than it does in real

Gigi said...

Beautiful pictures, Gayle. Funny....I didn't see any of *you* making a snow angel..... ;-)

Pearl said...

Looks familiar!

Greetings from Minneapolis!


Donna B. said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!! We heard on the news there is possibility of snow the next couple of husband did the grocery shopping just in case. Course, we will have nothing like you have.

Unknown said...

Oooooh! That last photo is brilliant!! They're all good but that last one is definitely professional quality. I don't care how "late" it is, I am so glad you shared! said...

Wow, those are beautiful. The colors in that last one are very impressive.
Stay warm, and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

I love snow! Those photos are so beautiful!

John said...

Beautiful shots, Gayle.

Really, I love snow... as long as I don't have to go anywhere or do anything productive! :-)

Not So Simply Single said...

WOW, ohhhh, so beautiful! I wish I was there...Maui has been so bloody hot and humid. I shouldn't complain, but I am...I want to have some SNOW!

I especially love the one with the street light! Gosh, I want to be THERE.

(maybe I wouldn't be so cranky if I was cooler!)


Sandra said...

It really is beautiful...too bad it also comes with a dose of "effin" cold!

Ca88andra said...

It is so hot here I can't even imagine snow!

Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...

Lovely photos. Fresh snow can be so beautiful. Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

BEautiful pictures! I am just glad we didn't get that much snow. No more! :)

sweetsue said...

Very pretty. Just stopping by to wish you a Happy New Year!

Vicki Lane said...

Beautiful pictures, Gayle! And a happy new year to you and yours!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year Gayle

Anonymous said...

I love to look at the snow but don't love driving in it. I can't believe you guys got that much snow in NC!

Sharon said...

It looks beautiful! But, alas, I'm glad we don't have any...we got enough last year to last a lifetime! :)!

Kat said...

Your snow is gorgeous! My husband and I were talking about how we used to get those kind of snows - the ones where everything is coated. Anymore, here in Ohio, we just get dumped on but nothing sticks to the trees to make it pretty!

Shelley said...

Greetings from Canada! I love your snow shots Gayle. So nice of you to visit with me. Happy New Year to you and your family.

Tiffany said...

as much as i loathe winter, i do love a beautiful photo of snow. we had a storm the day after christmas and i 'braved' the 6 inches to snap some shots. beautiful

Anita said...

They ARE very beautiful scenes. But lets not see any more yet. :)

JeannetteLS said...

Beautiful pictures.

Marla said...

How beautiful.

Shelley said...

We received 30 cm here! I love it when it's clean. Gorgeous photos!